Friday, December 6, 2013
As we were working on our own assigned pages which was four pages each, we also work on the front and back cover together, since our zine was a how to we wanted it to be funny. So when it came to the visuals we picked pictures that would suite our them “How Too.” We incorporated the how too with mainstream and underground/hipsters.
The zine was easy going “a smooth and fun project, I like that fact that we did not have to do a seven page essay. I have never made a zine so when we picked our theme I was excited to start writing. I wrote three different topic of How Too, which were how to be a good blogger, give a presentation, and tips for English. Before I started to write, I brainstormed ideas for my set up for the three topics that I wrote. When I wrote each of them, I want them to be funny, but also serious. When It came to the visuals I decided to put pictures that described the feeling that my topics gave off for example the how to give a presentation, I discus how it can be nerve racking to present, so I explain what to do if you are one of those people who get nervous. So this is where the visuals play a very important role…. The pictures that I picked were in relations to the feeling of presenting. Therefore all the topics of my how tooz are basically built around the feeling of picture, I picked pictures that would best describe my topic. I did my writing like this because any one could write a bunch of helpful how too tips, I did not want to display a bunch of tips only, I wanted some of the tips to funny, to where it made you think of your own experiences in presenting, blogging and in English, I wanted my picture to be funny but yet display the emotion of the text, figuring out what to write was the easy part after I found all the visuals to my topics. My topics fit with the groups writing because the entire how to were supposed to be funny.
This was a pretty fun project, when it comes to performance I think all of us group members contributed equally, when I wrote about my topics I was actually looking forward to writing the zine because it was not in an essay format. If there was anything that I would do differently it would be my visuals instead of finding pictures I would draw them out but considering the time frame I decided not to.
Friday, November 22, 2013
wish there was more time...... FUCK TIME
My week usually starts off on Sundays…. What a drag…. I wake
up like around eleven usually recovering form Saturday night not because I
party but because I stay up late painting.
I Usually use Sunday to finish up things that are due before Monday.
Sundays I go to work at three pm and close till ten so I don’t have much time
to waste. When I get out of work I always wine down……. finish up last minute
things and then go to sleep at 12 or one in the morning.
Monday and Wednesdays Suck ass…… I have class from 8:30 to
9:20 then I have class at 11:30/2 then I have another class at 2:30pm/5pm…fuck
me…… there goes my whole day….. I usually go home around six then eat go back
to school and finish up projects… I will be at the art building till two in
the morning or four the latest I have stayed was five….the time spent
there at
school just depends on the things I
need to get finish sometimes I just stay till 12…. I never leave early
from the art building….I FUCKING LIVE THERE…..
Tuesdays and Thursdays I usually wake up at 8 or nine I try
not to sleep too much because I don’t have time to waste….. One thing that I
will give up is sleep…. I don’t need sleep….fuck, why sleep?, you might miss an
opportunity. These two days are very vital to me if I waste time and over
sleep…IM FUCKED, I become behind all week and it will be that much harder for
me to catch up… so that means staying up late from Monday or Wednesday will be
a waste. So I must wake up and do homework before I go to work which is around
four or three depending on what day it is. Then when I get home from work I
usually chill for about two hours then get ready for the next day, sleep at 1
am and rest up for the next day
Fridays wake up at 4:30 go to work at five get out a 2pm
then I spoil myself I Sleep for four hours….finally…. I love Fridays I sleep
till six wake up do more homework then get ready to go out and party… sometimes
I cannot even go because I have to do homework or Sometimes I have to work at
four till eleven at night rather than at five in the morning…… so then my
Friday changes so I must wake up at 8 and do homework before I go into work…
Man, I fucking swear I wish there was more time in a
day because I lose so much sleep my hair
falls out…I sometimes get very stressed I get grumpy but FUCK IT….. good thing
its 4:20 every day…keeps me going…. I WANT to be SUCCESSFUL!!! If YOU WANT to
be successful you need to want success more than you want to sleep, party,
play….you Need to want success just as much as you want to breath>>>
Fuck time all I have is time…..time to be SUCCESSFUL!!!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
how i pick my major
I am majoring in art.......and how i can to this choice was unplaned.
I always knew i wanted to paint and be an artist, but you know what they say about and'll be a poor starving artist. So when I started school I wanted to major in biology to do research, but deep down in my tiny heart …..I did not want to pursue this degree. Getting this degree was all for my mother, to make her happy.(HOW NICE)…… In the end, I ended up majoring in art……my poor mother, it broke her heart. THAT I PICKED THIS ART DEGREE
To peruse my art degree I had made a plan. I was going to major in radiology go to school for two years get certified, then transfer to UNM and then finish two more years, so in the end I would be having a bachelors in radiology, but to make this plan happed I would have to do prerequisites for radiology and apply for the program…..which mean “WORK YOUR ASS OFF FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS.” I was ready to do all this but one problem…… I had to transfer to the DACC. So I as I was planning to transfer, I found out….”if I transfer I would get my scholarships taken away”.
So my plan was to finish radiology first, then go back to school and do my art degree. Well since I was going to get my scholarship taken away, I decide to do all the prerequisites for radiology and not transfer and once I finished that, focus on my art degree. Once I’m done with my art degree I will apply to the radiology program and let faith take its course….hopefully I will be able to get in the program finish it and…..NOT BE A POOR STRARVING ARTIST……my radiology degree will secure my future…yeah bitch…ES….I won’t be poor!!!! I will live a simple life and spend all my money on oil paints and create painting AND MAYBE ONE DAY GO TO AN ART INSITUTION AND MAKE SOMETHING OUT OF MY PAINTINGS. For example maybe have them displayed some where\........who knows what will happen but allS I know is……IM dreaming BIG………………..
Friday, October 25, 2013
When I think of mainstream I think of popularity, so is Watchmen mainstream or is it underground. Well I think it can be a bit of both. For one, I personally don’t think Watchman can be categorized under mainstream but if you ask a person who is a comic book lover, they would probably say that Watchmen is very much categorized as main stream. So Watchman is both mainstream and underground, I say this because I have never read a comic book, and this is my experience of reading this book… I was reading watchman I got lost within the story so I had to constantly be rereading. I do not like comic books because as I was engaging with every characters story as I read, all of a sudden the characters story would come to a stop, with the exception of another characters story either starting or continuing, so I felt like it would leave you hanging until you read a hole hell of a lot more and then all of the characters stories would come together in the end, I did not like watchman……but like I said if a comic book lover had read this they would probably think watchman is thee all time best comic book ever!!!!!!!!…Maybe?....
When analyzing the comic book the Watchmen and thinking back at lenses we have looked at, the only lens that I can make a connection with Is “where are all the non white people.” In the comic book the only colored person I saw was Dr Malcolm the psychoanalyst, in which he is in only in a few panels, other than that everyone else is white (Oh and the female that Malcolm talks to is also colored) two,….and if there were more I did not catch that because all I saw was white characters…. I think this is kind of sad because the some of the characters in this story are super heroes and well there all white as well, I also thought about other super hero stories lines like batman and superman and others as well, they don’t seem to have a colored super hero, why can’t there be a few more colored people put in as some of the characters……Ew….talk about not having diversity……
Friday, October 18, 2013
The first comic book that I have ever read is watchmen. The
style of readings is very different compared to a any other book, like we had
said in class if this comic book was written as a stander book it would not flow because there are some scenes
in the comic book that cannot be describe in a stander book form without losing such detail
that this comic presents. I feel the genre of this book is like a super hero-ish,
because they have some characters with super hero powers which live in the big
city. From what I notice usually all super hero comics are placed in a city. The
appearance of the panels gives off a dark feel to the story line, there are a
lot of dark colors used throughout the comic book, which is like if the comic
gives off an action- mystery genre, which goes along with the story line in
finding out who has killed comedian. Since the comic has super heroes I expect
that it will have some super heroes save some who is in danger but as I read I do
not think this comic is like that, as I continue to read this comic book I feel
like the genre can be mixed with mystery-action-superhero..ish. The reason why
I think of the comic book like this is
because of what I have read so far, the first thing that happened in the comic
is that someone died, and figuring out who did it and why?, is like a mystery,
the comic book has plenty of action throughout it and there are of course super
heroes, like dr manhattan who apparently is blue and can make his self grow
really huge and go back to normal size. This
comic book has a good flow to it and as I continue to read I will be able have
a better understanding in how style, genre, appearance, themes is being presented
and also what kind of lens does it belong to.
Friday, October 11, 2013
The notes that were in the PDF Barrys Feminism, I thought
they were both helpful and distracting. They were helpful because after I would
read and then view the notes that you had on the margins, I would understand
why you had written them ….(like if a light bulb when off in my head)...They
were also helpful because when seeing your annotation first and then reading it would make me think, so I would
ask myself, why did you annotate in this area or I think about what is important
that she had to annotate. Your notes made me think a little more. The reason I say
it was a bit distracting is because when I would read and view your notes sometimes
I would not understand why you annotated so I would read I again to see if I understood a bit more, but overall the notes helped me.
While I read I usually annotate what I read if I feel that
it is important or if I had made a connection with a paragraph to another or to
another part of the book, that I had read previously. I usually annotate
reading that are difficult for me, this helps me think about what I have read
already and it usually makes me of what is to come next like… where is this
topic going?.... what is the writer trying to get across?...IN my opinion I LOVE
to annotate I don’t take notes on a different paper or journal, I just write in
the book. When I annotate I think its fun, it makes me think more. To annotate I
use Colored Pins, Glitter Pins, highlighters of all color ANYTHING that is in
color other than just black..why?, because when I look over in my book it just
looks so pretty with all the colors and It also grabs my attention to reread
what I annotated and also reread the paragraph or page if I do not understand something. I started
annotating when my tenth grade teacher showed me how to. I would tell her
taking notes was a waste of my time and it was too much extra paper that I did
not need to carry around. She was the one who asked me if I ever annotated….I
never use to like taking notes until she showed me how to annotate which was
very helpful. Annotating is my way of taking notes.
Friday, October 4, 2013
what is the solution......?
When hearing about this government shut down, I did not know what it was or why it was happening I just knew that it’s probably bad. Well I briefly researched what it was and the shutdown is due to the fact that congress cannot make a decision on the budget. I do not know much about all this political science, but what I do know is that many people are not involved in politics, why do I say this? Well for starters some people are well informed about politics and they know a lot about it but I’m sure it’s a small percent of people, but of other people some are not informed well at all, as you can tell from the video of Jimmy Kimmel. When I watch this I thought I was super funny. It made me think also do people just go with the flow… vote for Presidents and like or dislike laws or whatever that government decides to do…..without being well roundly informed. This video is a perfect example, everyone knows one thing or another about the Obama Care, whether it’s the pros of it or the cons, but the thing is people don’t fully know what It is, because if they did they would not be fooled….as you can see on the Jimmy Kimmel video, but yet the people think they know what they are talking about just because they are somewhat informed about the situation, many are quick to jump the gun and form an opinion without being fully informed, so when people are asked which is better the Obama care or the affordable care…you get stupid answers form people who think they know what the hell they are talking about……when in reality they down know much to support their opinion. How sad…….and this is the country we live in….is there a solution.
For the solution all people need to inform themselves better so they actually know what they are talking about and form their opinions with more structure. As for the government shutdown I don’t think there is much the people can do…..sure people can protest, complain, write letters so congress can make a decision…..but I think people will not really protest because the government has made us comfortable too where we like our way of living, also at the same time we complain about what we do not like (for example when people complain about the Obama care), but in the end we settle for the flaws in our system....Ultimately the government (congress) has the last say in what goes down and the common people in the end lack representation in a congress filled with predominantly white, rich people.
For the solution all people need to inform themselves better so they actually know what they are talking about and form their opinions with more structure. As for the government shutdown I don’t think there is much the people can do…..sure people can protest, complain, write letters so congress can make a decision…..but I think people will not really protest because the government has made us comfortable too where we like our way of living, also at the same time we complain about what we do not like (for example when people complain about the Obama care), but in the end we settle for the flaws in our system....Ultimately the government (congress) has the last say in what goes down and the common people in the end lack representation in a congress filled with predominantly white, rich people.
Friday, September 27, 2013
The easy…hard or easy….. The media that I chose was the show desperate house wives it was easy to write. It was an easy topic to write about because it has all of these lenses that we have been looking at throughout the past couple of weeks. The lenses that it has is how are men masculine/women / feminine represented, where are the non white people, and where the money power. How about when you compared the process of analyzing something you like to analyzing/and apllying the lenses….. When it came to analyzing the show and comparing it to some of the lenses that we did in class I could compare the /masculine/ women/ feminine topic and where are all the nonwhite people, and where the money power. The show has so much to do with masculine and women when I analyzed the show there were some things that I didn’t realize before that it’s a show that is based on rich white people and having drama a lot of the feminine topics that they show is house wives cleaning and doing the women duties are the house and one character I say would sometimes try to break out of that role by wanting to enter the working world, and there is only a few of the non white people that they show that are rich other than that they show more non white people doing yard work Images……. I picked my images on senses that I talked about in my easy to give examples…
Thursday, September 19, 2013
In the speech that Joss talks about why does he create such strong women characters, he says that his mother was strong tough and sexy and that he surrounds himself with these women that are really strong. So in the show firefly there are a few women characters that are very strong and like the character Zoe she is very strong minded and she always stands by the captain and at times disagrees with the with him but she stands next to him as a solider no matter what, she is also solider that fought in battle with mal regardless of her being kind of manly she is very pretty and is a loving wife.
The way Joss created these women characters I believe he is a feminist because in the show firefly there are some examples of feminism for example when the captain had the wife she was cooking for him she wanted to serve him in any way that she could just because she was a wife. This is showing that women are kind of not equal to men. In episode six where mals wife is serving him food and something to drink and Zoë and wash come to the table, wash states that he is hungry and Zoë does nothing about it, and the fact that Mals wife makes a statement about only good wives or women serve or make their husbands food. Then Zoë gets mad because to me it seems that wash and her put themselves as equal, in other words just because Zoë is a wife does not mean she has to serve him. Instead of spending time making meals she is out in the field being an outlaw with the crew kicking ass. I do not think joss contradicts himself because he shows a type of feminism can be created with the males and females in the show firefly which is showing equality in such ways.
Another good example is Kylee is practically a handy lady she can fix anything on the ship. Her character is geeky and smart and beautiful and very handy like a handy man but better. This is another example of showing equality if a guy can do it why can’t a girl. I don’t think firefly is contradicting because any one woman can fix things like Kylee or kick ass like Zoë. Joss just inputs a lot of equality in making such strong women characters. Like inputting the idea of a little bit of male in every women character and coming up with women characters like Zoe an Kylee.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
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